Study techniques that are most effective

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I have seen students who are struggling to memorize facts. Sometimes they get stressed just because they cannot understand or remember the ones taught in school. Dear child, don’t take it so hard… there are plenty of techniques that you can try out to make your study time more effective.

Studying is crucial and the main thing that we do during our schooling time. Even though studies cannot decide our entire life most of our decisions are based on the way that we study and how we get the grades. Let’s face it! It is sort of a race and we all want to win the race. Some want to become the first but some just want to finish the race.

Studying is no slumber party for most of the students. But it is a major requirement. Memorizing so many facts is not an easy task. And they are not facts from a single subject. There are different theories, concepts, equations and even figures that a student needs to keep in mind.

So it is important to use some easy and effective ways to study and memorize things. So are you intrigued? Well, I am… so here we go. In this article, I’m going to enlighten you about some effective techniques that you can use when studying.

SQ3R technique

This is a reading comprehension study method that a student can use to understand and filter the most important facts in a single lesson. SQ3R stands for five processes and they go as Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review.


simply skim the lesson and note down headings, subheadings, pictures and the images that contain in the lesson.


simply try to figure out and find answers for questions like what is this lesson about? And what do I know about it so far?

surveying, questioning, reading
SQ3R technique


read it in detail and get the answers to the questions that you created.


bring it to a nutshell. Conclude the main points and answer the questions from step 2.


once you are done, then go through and review and see whether you captured all the important facts.

 PQ4R technique

This is a study method that will be helpful to memorize and understand the important factors. This method has six processes.


just skim and go through the headings, subheadings and the highlighted texts.


Formulate questions that will get you to the point of the most important theories and concepts.


Read it section-wise and get the answers to your question.

questioning, reading, reflecting
PQ4R technique


Just go through the series of questions and check the ones that you couldn’t find answers.


Jot down the important information from your own words


Check it for the second time and do the final answering session.

Feynman technique

This is a study method that you can use to understand the concepts by explaining it simply and plainly. In simple words how to understand things simply.

So how to practice this? It’s simple. Take a piece of paper and write down the concept or the subject that you are going to study. Then simply teach it to yourself as if you are teaching it to someone else. Check the answer that you wrote and then check it with the textbook and understand the incorrect areas and correct them. And most importantly, you don’t have to study all the big words. Just check for the meaning and customize the wordings accordingly. All you need is to understand the concept you are not going to write down a script for a Greek play.

 Color coding notes
Color coding notes

 Color coding notes

 Most of the students use this study technique. Using different coloured pens and highlighters when they are studying is simply the idea of colour coding. Researches have shown that colour can enhance memory performance and warm colours such as yellow can increase the motivational level of a person. So use tips like this.

  • Use red to write down the main points
  • Highlight the important facts in yellow
  • Separate the topic using colours
  • Do not turn your notebook into a colouring book. Just highlight only the key points
Mind mapping
Mind mapping

Mind mapping

Do you remember the family tree that we made when we were in kindergarten? Mind mapping is simply something like that. And also one of the most effective study techniques. Using your creativity you can create your own unique mind map. Take a blank paper and write the keyword in the centre and then connect the related concepts and factors to the main word. You can use images, arrows whatever you prefer…

Do not consider studying as a burden. It can be difficult but your negative thoughts can make it worse. So use these techniques to make it more interesting. Have a happy study time!

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