Love or Studies: How to manage both?

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Love life is not merely Bouquets of red roses, a box of chocolates and walking around parks holding each other’s hands. It is also about treating your partner with a hot chocolate while studying and being there for them helping to sort out some complicated math equation.

Falling in love is not an alien thing for us. We all have different experiences in that arena. And you know what it is to be young and fall in love right. And most of us have experienced our first love experience in our teenage. This period is a revolutionary time in many peoples’ lives. And if you make a wrong turn then you will be done and dusted just like Thanoes…

So as I was saying most of the people have their first love affair when they turn fifteen. And when I say fifteen then you will even remember Taylor Swift’s “Fifteen”. It is also about a girl who falls in love with a guy from the football team. It beautifully explains how she feels and how she gets blindfold by love and finally, she gets rejected by the boy. But she eventually realizes that life doesn’t end from there and there are much bigger dreams… God the lyrics are so perfect and reminding me the lyrics make me want to listen to the song.

So why do they fall in love at this age? There are couples of answers to this question. The hormonal changes have a big connection with this. The developments of the hormones and body naturally prompt the sexual feeling in a teenager. Mainly there are three reasons for fall in love. One is the physical attraction and two is the emotional intimacy and the need to obligate to the bond.

Love or Studies- How to manage both-
Love or Studies- How to manage both-

Also falling in love and having a crush are different things. If a teenager falls in love then he or she shares her inner feelings and secrets with the partner without any hesitation. But if there is only a crush, then there is only an attraction to each other.

So first you figure out what kind of a bond you have. Whether it’s a love or a crush. But whatever it is managing your relationship along with your studies can be quite tough sometimes.

I know how exams and assignments can be stressful. Meeting up deadlines, memorizing all the key factors in the lessons, managing your time can put you into a real pickle. And when you have issues in your love life this can be double stressful. So you have to have a partner who understands you and who supports you through your downs. Because when you are studying mental stability is essential.

So here are some few tips to balance both your studies and lover…

Have a schedule

Have a schedule

Planning things in your life can lead you a very long way in the path of success. And everything starts with a plan. For instance, when we wake up we just plan what to eat, wear and to leave home. Likewise, have a schedule for your studies as well. You already have the lecture/class schedule so you are done with that. All you have to schedule is your study time. You can categorize the lessons and you also can have reminders on your smartphone. You can mark things on the calendar that you have on your phone. Also just plan the outings and dates that you want to go with your partner. You just can’t study for 24/7. So just have a time that you can go out for a movie or a walk in the park with your lover just to relax your mind.

 Prioritize your work

Always make sure you follow the rule “First things first”. You have to make a list of the tasks that you have to accomplish. Then check for the deadlines of those tasks. And then you can prioritize your list. The assignments that have close deadlines must come at the top of the list. You can even have your personal deadlines and you have to stick to it. That way you can avoid your work getting piled up and you can avoid unnecessary stress. Also, you can have some additional time to spend with your loved one.

They will love to support you

You don’t have to do everything all alone. And it is a natural thing to panic when your workload is high or when you don’t understand some things. And you can always ask for help from your partner. If he is elder than you, then he might have a thorough knowledge to teach you. And if he or she is in your age still asking for help will be an advantage. They can help you with your assignments and even studying. You can even do the studying together. This way you can finish your assignments and stuff as well as make your bond stronger. Also, your partner will be happy and know that he or she is an important person in your life and you value that person.

They will love to support you
They will love to support you

Avoid mobile phones

When you are studying, focus only on studying. Do not use your mobile phone or laptops while studying. Have a separate time to check on others’ newsfeeds and update statuses in your profiles. If you are getting distracted, then keep them away or put it in silent mode. And make sure your partner before starting to study so that he knows not to call or text and disturb you. Also do not have your relationship over your phone. Late-night telephone conversations are amazing… but face to face conversations are more romantic. You can go to a café and have some coffee while talking about your relationship ad future.

Learn to manage both ups & downs

Getting stressed during a tight schedule is something natural and it can happen to anyone. But the important thing is how you take it. The way you manage it can lead you to a healthy mentality or it even can put you into a worse case such as depression. We cannot expect our partners to be patients all the time. They are also human and let’ face it! Just like you, your partner can be stressed to something too. And if you can feel that he or she is under stress then help him or her to overcome it.  Give them some alone free time to calm down. And always remember that life is not a bed of roses and it will have breakouts too. So you need to learn how to live with it.

Learn to manage both ups & downs
Learn to manage both ups & downs

You can always get some advice from a third party and you can even try out some soothing therapies like listening to relaxing music, doing some exercise, reading a book or even wandering around nature.

Love is not always about receiving. It is also about giving… you need to give the love, caring and the understanding that your partner is giving to you. And that is what will make your bond stronger. Studying can be for a short time but the actions that you take can leave a scar or a wonderful memory in your love life. So make sure you balance both wisely.

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