How to Overcome falling Asleep while studying !

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Hey, there sleepy head… struggling not to fall asleep until you finish that lesson? Does not sound easy hah! Don’t think much it is common for most of the students in your age… so here we to the rescue! Try out these techniques and start studying like a pro!

Sleep is one of the most satisfying thing in the universe… and I know this is a very common experience for you too. Whenever you start studying after some time, you started to feel sleepy and then sometimes you even fall asleep. Sometimes you have a peaceful and amazing nap on your desk rather than having a one on your bed. Don’t worry! It’s not only to you it happens to many students when they start studying.

Mainly this happens when you are restless. If you had a very long day and you already exhausted then you need to rest first. And other reasons can be your studying environment, your nutrient levels, your physical wellbeing and also your attitude. And if you usually fall asleep while studying then you can try out these simple tips.

Your bed is not your study table


Your bed is not your study table

The bed is where we sleep. So when we go to our bed the body automatically signals the brain that now we need to get some sleep. And if you lie down and get so comfy under your covers then it is natural to feel drowsy and put you into sleep. So always chose a table with a chair and sit straight when studying.

A well-lit atmosphere

Sleep has a big connection with darkness. Usually, we go to sleep at night and avoid lights as much as we can. But if you are using a very dim light to study in a quiet dark place then you will be blessed by sleeping beauty. And this is why most of the studies suggest studying during the day time. But if you have only night time to study, then make sure you are using bright light in your room because you know light promotes awakens.

The healthy meal over a tasty meal

The healthy meal over a tasty meal
The healthy meal over a tasty meal

We have seen students have gain pounds and pounds once they finish studying for a particular exam. That is because they keep on eating junk and snacks while studying. And most of them eat heavy meals. Most of the time mothers force children to have a heavy meal. And did you know that when the food is digesting we tend to feel drowsier? So it is best if you can choose a light and a healthy meal when studying. Make sure your meal includes protein, complex carbohydrate and food with healthy fats. And you definitely should avoid piles of surgery items. Instead of a candy bowl have a fruit bowl or some home-made cookies.

Make some moves

If you are in the same position for a longer period then you mind started feeling like sleeping. Also, it increases your energy levels and decreases your stress levels. A study has shown that a ten minutes’ walk on the outside has improved the memory power and helped them to solve their mathematic equations more effectively. It is a good mood changer as well… enjoy some gentle music with some dance moves and then start back studying.

Drink lots of H2O

This is something the general society does. Whenever we don’t get a good sleep and we want to keep ourselves up in the next day morning we sip a cup of black coffee. This is because the caffeine in the coffee changes our neurons in your brain. But for a student, we suggest drinking more and more water. When you are dehydrated your brain will shrink. Plus the oxygen helps your brain to function more effectively. So just keep a big bottle of water on your desk. It is okay even to have some fresh juice once in a while but not sugary carbonated drinks.

Drink lots of H2O
Drink lots of H2O

Group studies

It is always nice to have some company instead of doing all alone. Invite a friend to have a group study. This way you can discuss complicated areas and discuss your ideas. You two can teach each other and question each other. But you should stick to your purpose. If you are taking this as a chance to talk our school gossips then forget about it. You can have a separate time but when you are studying focus only on study facts

Read and write

Instead of mimicking to yourself ad staring at your tutorials, try to write the important facts on a separate paper and read them out loud. Try to teach yourself as your teacher does in the classroom. This way you can avoid feeling drowsy and also improve your memory power.

Just make sure you only follow healthy tips to avoid sleeping. I know it can be a problem that disturbs your mind but make sure don’t take quick and easy unhealthy methods that can ruin your health.


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